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Statement of Faith



We believe that the Bible...


is the inspired, inerrant (without error) and infallible (incapable of erring) Word of God.

We accept the Bible as the supreme and final authority for all matters of faith and conduct.  




We believe in one God...


Eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Though we recognise that

there is no biblical reference to the word ‘Trinity’ we use this term to

refer to what is clearly taught within Scripture.  




We believe in the absolute deity and full humanity... 


Of our Lord Jesus Christ. We believe in His virgin birth, His sinless life, the authenticity of 

His miracles, His substitutionary and atoning death (the means by which Jesus has secured

peace with God on our behalf through his sacrificial death on the cross in our place),

His bodily resurrection and His ascension to the right hand of the Father in Heaven.

We believe in the personal and bodily return of our Lord Jesus Christ,

which is yet to take place at the end of time.  





We believe in the personality and deity of The Holy Spirit... 


 We believe that the Holy Spirit gives life and indwells all true believers, bestows

spiritual gifts upon them, and empowers them for service and holy living.  





We believe that man’s rebellion ... 


Against God resulted in the fall of man and the spread of sin to every human being.

All men are guilty of transgressing God’s Holy Laws and are incapable of redeeming themselves.

We believe that man can only be saved from sin by fully turning away from sin (repentance)

and fully turning to God by placing faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and His finished

work of redemption on the cross. We believe that justification from sin is by the

grace of God alone through faith alone, in Christ alone. 





We believe that all true faith will have its expression... 


In a life of trust and obedience to God’s revealed Word and obedience to the promptings of

The Holy Spirit whose leading is always in agreement with the Word of God. We believe it is the privilege and duty of every Christian to live a holy life, and to be always ready for

the return of Jesus.  In the meantime, each Christian should remain steadfastly

in His will and in His service until the Lord's return.  




We believe that following the conversion of a person... 


They should be publicly baptised by immersion in water in obedience to the

command of Jesus, and as a symbolic public declaration of their having turned

from an old life of sin, to a new life of righteousness in Christ.  





We believe in the regular partaking of bread and wine... 


Referred to as the Lord’s Supper in remembrance of the death of Christ; His body

being broken and His blood being shed on the cross for our sin. We believe that this

communion is not based on friendship or sociability but Christian unity, and therefore is a

sacred privilege reserved for those who have been born again. We believe and encourage a

personal, self-examination prior to partaking in this ordinance and that where

necessary, repentance and confession is made.  





We believe that marriage is a God ordained institution... 


Between one man and one woman which is to exist for the full duration of their lives until

death does part. We teach that divorce and remarriage is prohibited under any circumstances,

with the sole exception of adultery. Then and only then, is the innocent party free to remarry; but reconciliation must always be sought first and divorce is only to be sought as a last and final resort.  





We believe in the pre-millennium return of Christ... 


At which time the dead in Christ shall rise and those that are alive at His coming will

be caught up to meet the Lord. At this time, Christ will establish His millennium Kingdom on earth.  

We believe God's prophetic plan for the salvation of the nations is bound up with His

prophetic plan for the re-gathering and salvation of Israel. 





We believe in the bodily resurrection...


Of both the saved in Christ and the lost outside of Christ; the one to conscious everlasting life

forever to be with the Lord and the other to conscious everlasting

damnation in the lake of fire called hell.  






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