Paris Reidhead - Except Ye Repent!
Paris Reidhead was a Christian missionary, teacher, writer, and advocate of economic development in impoverished nations. A spiritual crisis during this periodas he described two decades later in what is probably his best-known recorded teaching, "Ten Shekels and a Shirt"--left Reidhead with the conviction that much of evangelicalism had adopted utilitarian and humanistic philosophies contradictory to Biblical teaching. The end of all being, he came to believe, was not the happiness of man, but the glorification of God. This theme would recur throughout his later teaching.
Brother Reidhead mightily addresses many of the sayings of Christ and Paul that cut the most, and the modern errors of thinking that do not show fruit of these verses and concepts; namely: repentance, submission, fellowship with God, and stedfast faith. "Are you prepared to pray in accord with this sovereign and gracious operation of God? If you are then you're going to change your praying. Instead of saying, initially, 'Lord, save Him,' you're going to say, 'Lord, slay him. Bring him to the awareness of his desperate plight. Awaken him to his danger. Convict him of his crimes.'"